
Araksi Mikaelijan

Info Tim Logistika doo Novi Sad

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday 12:30-13:30 2019-10-01
DescriptionInfo Tim Logistics is a market of agricultural information, which helps you get through the daily insight into the supply and demand of agricultural products and their prices can improve your business, generate greater profits, as well as to reach a wider circle of trusted associates, whether you are a buyer or seller. Info Tim Logistics incorporates all the information from the world of agriculture in one place. In addition to the daily supply and demand of goods and price movements, with us you are in touch with current subsidies, competitions, IPARD funds, price movements in the markets in the region and the world, which gives you a great advantage in any time when making important business decisions. This makes our team leader in the segment of market information in agriculture.
Organization Type Company
City Novi Sad , Ćirpanova 6
Areas of Activities

Agriculture and Food